The Most Accurate, Efficient, and Least Invasive Approach to IBM i Transformation.

With Profound Logic, you have the flexibility to choose what transformation results you want to achieve right away.

Watch the Videos Below to Learn More ⬇

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Profound Logic's

Automated Transformation

RPG & COBOL to Node.js

Profound Logic’s interpretive code conversion tools automatically decode and simplify legacy applications, resulting in transformed applications with less code that is easier to maintain.

person on computer with futuristic graphics on top
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Profound Logic's


for IBM i Transformation

Imagine transformation without disruption. Profound’s unique coexistence approach allows your old and new systems to run in harmony automatically, facilitating a seamless transition.

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Profound Logic's

Automated Testing

for IBM i Transformation

Our testing tools ensure new applications are running exactly as they should by running line by line comparison tests via automation. If a problem is found, the automated testing tools collaborate with AI to confirm fixes in real time. We are proud to have the fastest, safest, and most comprehensive transformation testing methodology available today.

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Profound AI: Empower your Business with AI, Our Gift to You.

In celebration of our 25th anniversary, we are elated to offer the transformative gift of Profound AI to the IBM i community! Ready to experience the power of Profound AI? Click the button below to get started!