Profound.js Framework Update 5.8.2

Profound.js Framework 5.8.2 (Current Release) Release Date: 03/4/2022 – Profound.js Framework update. Several enhancements and bug fixes below.
  • Profound.js Framework
    • Profound UI Version 6, Fix Pack 17.0 is required for this release.
    • Query results are now returned when DB2 for IBM i reports warnings.
    • Fixed bugs passing data structures and arrays into a Profound.js program called via proxy program or PJSCALL command.
    • Fixed bug: API truncates data for CLOB field at 30 bytes. As a result, field JSONDATA of the PAPI file PJSAPIREQS has only 30 bytes of data.
    • Fixed config validation reporting an error when config.js includes “onerror” property.
    • Added capability to optionally disable SSL certificate and host name verification when calling Profound.js programs via PJSCALL or proxy program. This allows calls to work when the server uses a self-signed certificate.
    • Fix bug: pjs.assign API would error when trying to set an array with a value.
    • Fix bug: pjs.char API would fail when working with an array.
  • Profound API
    • Fixed bug: for low-code plugins “Call IBM i Program” and “Call Service Program Procedure”, if parameter type is “data structure”, enable capture of output data directly into API output property instead of having to use a work variable.
 Check here for more bug fixes and product updates.

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