Database Modernization

Modernize underlying databases for more secure, reliable, scalable, and manageable applications. Profound Logic services for Database Modernization prepare your business for the Cloud and beyond.

Your data is your most valuable business asset. Modernizing your database positions you to take full advantage of it. This means addressing programs that use flat-files and record level access.

And as your data volumes continue to grow and your team moves toward more data­-centric programming, your team will require analytics tools that expect a normalized SQL database.

You know that database modernization means more than simply converting your DDS to DDL, but you are not sure how to start.

Benefits of Profound Logic’s Database Modernization Services

Profound takes the heavy lifting of database modernization off of your team, so that you can focus on innovation. Our experts will analyze your databases and plot a course to deliver highly scalable, faster performing, and cloud-ready databases.

Our team will:

  • Convert DDS to DDL
  • Normalize SQL database
  • Add data integrity
  • Improve data security
  • Implement new IBM i DB2 features
  • Support a multi-tiered architecture

Let’s discuss your modernization roadmap:

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In celebration of our 25th anniversary, we are elated to offer the transformative gift of Profound AI to the IBM i community! Ready to experience the power of Profound AI? Click the button below to get started!