Transform Your IBM i Business with Professional Services
Trust the Profound Logic services team to efficiently, securely, and affordably modernize your IBM i (AS 400) environment so that you can focus on the future of your business

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Profound Logic offers a suite of services for end-to-end modernization. Whether you plan to build new applications on IBM i, modernize green screens, extend systems with API, or move to the Cloud, Profound Logic is here to help.
As market conditions change, and your business adapts and innovates, you can be assured that Profound will continue to be there with you, bringing unapparelled technical innovations to strengthen and amplify your IT success.
Flexible Code Transformation
Every organization has a unique make-up and vision, and therefore unique needs.
For these reasons, we offer flexible code transformation options geared toward your specific needs, with a focus on automation for faster time-to-market:
- RPG to Node.js – RPG to Node.js – Transform from RPG to a truly modern enterprise language, not languages that are close to 20 years old like Java and .Net
- RPG to truly Modern RPG – if your company has no plans on moving away from RPG, then you should make it the best RPG code base possible: modern, free format, and modularized
Integration & API Automation
Interfacing with disparate systems is no longer a chore or an impossibility. Bi-directional interfacing with IBM i is made easy with Profound API and its underlying Connector technology.
This service will:
- Make your System of Record (SOR) easily interface with your Systems of Engagement (SOE), and vice-versa
- Provide a secure architecture for exposing IBM i data
- Allow your modernization initiatives to focus on business demands that exist now, while planning and executing a full transformation strategy.
Professional Services & Staff Augmentation
Transformation of technology is interesting and brings value, but transformation of human resources is just as – if not more – important.
No matter what your future IT and business transformation plans involve, Profound Logic brings our global expertise to your workforce.
We deliver:
- Code, database, staff, and process transformation
- Onshore & offshore services talent to plan, accelerate and supplement your initiatives
- A deep understanding of the complexities of your organization
- Performance, reliability, advanced technology, and knowledge
Rapid Application Development
Imagine what you can accomplish if you were able to effortlessly respond to business demands and innovate at a pace that leaves your competitors in the dust. That’s exactly what Profound Logic’s Rapid Application Development solutions can do for your business.
Our Rapid Application Development services:
- Increase productivity across all areas of application development, including UI, business logic, databases, and deployment
- Enable faster development, you can quickly reduce technical debt and your IT backlog
- Allow your business units’ power users to actively participate in the application development process